When one cat’s naughty secret life of visiting neighbors for snacks emerged, little did the owner know that they’d blown the lid off a worldwide cat-spiracy…
This is Nala, a devious cat who led her owners to believe she was out “playing”.
But Nala was caught red-pawed when the humans she’d been visiting for second- and third-breakfast attached this note to her collar.
As Nala’s story spread online, more and more stories emerged of cats abandoning their owners for varying amounts of time to get love and attention elsewhere.
“Little stinker”.
There’s also evidence of cats learning to beg from dogs.
And a trail of broken human hearts: “I still miss him every day.”
“I thought my cat was dead & then I find that fatty in a window seal [sic] not 5 houses down!”
There’s tales of adultery, too.
And just plain cruelty from the thoughtless furballs.
Dogs, too, have been found guilty of this promiscuous behavior.
Although some of the tales have a happy ending, like this guy who adopted his homeless visitor.
But mostly it’s just cats being, er, cats.
We don’t want to hear your excuses, cats. The game’s up, our hearts are hardened to your fluffy charms.