Japanese parents have been snapping and sharing the weird, inventive and downright uncomfortable ways their toddlers have fallen asleep with the hashtag #MyChildrenOutOfCharge.
There’s this guy who just gave up.
再掲だけどコレ。 pic.twitter.com/nnYAHhoXJz— まのり (@___huhuhu___) February 7, 2016
And this sleepy girl who couldn’t make it through playtime or yoga without nodding off.
This boy found a place to rest his head and stopped caring about the rest of his body.
So did this one.
うちのはこれだな#我が子の電池切れ画像 pic.twitter.com/KcSv29c08u
— ま る え り (@circlecollar) February 8, 2016
This little girl was oh-so-close to the comfy chair but ran out of batteries before she could get there.
#我が子の電池切れ画像 笑いをこらえて写真を撮ったよ…確か2歳かな… pic.twitter.com/SLB5H0MRBF
— やーこ/靴下編みが楽しい♡ (@yukoyako) February 9, 2016
This girl thinks sitting upright is, like, so mainstream.
#我が子の電池切れ画像 pic.twitter.com/qJC41JPaqI
— ちょっちょっちょ@UC (@chomao) February 8, 2016
And this guy just wanted to work on that core strength while he slept.
便乗して #我が子の電池切れ画像 pic.twitter.com/ILzZwh3iLB
— おかず (@kazutomi730) February 8, 2016
This girl channels the ‘sloth-on-a-branch’ nap style.
旦那の膝の上で力尽きてた。器用だな!#我が子の電池切れ画像 pic.twitter.com/Jjq1XB2liv
— わたる (@amkwwtr) February 8, 2016
And this boy’s breakfast was just sooooo boring.
This girl realized it was Monday.
This brave soldier said to go on without her.
寒かろうに(-_-) ※すぐ救出しました#我が子の電池切れ画像 pic.twitter.com/qzXir88IX0
— 姫宮ひなこ??ID:hinako_himemiya (@K_Hina_O) February 9, 2016
“I’ll catch you guys up.”
和むタグだー #我が子の電池切れ画像 pic.twitter.com/fbdkPS2zvf
— neji (@howarefool) February 9, 2016
There’s nothing cosier than the cold metal of a shopping cart.
運びやすかったw #我が子の電池切れ画像 pic.twitter.com/ASXXcZeGxI
— オザワちゃみお@ぬまづ暮らし (@charmy1976) February 9, 2016
This boy doesn’t seem to be pulling his weight in the family cycle.
殿の電池切れ画像に適う奴いんの?(´・ω・`) #我が子の電池切れ画像 #どうしてこうなった pic.twitter.com/WuLxiqaKBj
— 働きママ時々女子@11y8y3ybro (@muchulo3ol) February 18, 2016
And this little baby made it all the way to bed yet somehow ended up with his legs out the window.
数少ない弟の方の。これほんとびっくりした瞬間でした。 #我が子の電池切れ画像 pic.twitter.com/v4PDNoNkyJ
— のんこ≫受験生狙う痴漢許さない (@korieramucho) February 8, 2016
Napping can be tough.