10 Things We Do Today That We’ll Deeply Regret in 10 Years

Are you living life with no regrets? Are you confident that in 10 years you’ll look back and say “I did everything I wanted to and could do within my means”? Here are 10 things we do today that we’ll regret in 10 years.

#1. Not going after what you want.

If you have goals in life, go after them. Doing what others expect you to do might be the easiest option — but it may also lead to regret.

#2. Changing who you are for others.

When you pretend to be someone you’re not to please others, you waste a lot of your energy on the wrong people. The real you will find the right relationships that will be much more fulfilling.

#3. Not investigating who you really are.

If you don’t know who you are, you’ll spin your tires year after year. You never find a direction because you have no idea who you are and what you want from life.

#4. Keeping negative friends.

Maintaining friendships with energy suckers and negative people is toxic. These people don’t encourage you to grow as a person, they make you feel down, and they’re generally not fun to be around. Don’t keep them in your life just for old times sake.

#5. Being a selfish person.

You may find your life unfulfilled with feelings of loneliness and regret if you constantly make everything about you. Often carried from childhood, being selfish to people that love you doesn’t work as an adult.

#6. Not allowing yourself time and space to grow.

Growth and change will occur whether you want it to or not. Don’t fear change in your life. Embrace it and take risks so your life doesn’t become stagnant and depressing further down the line.

#7. Turning down challenges.

Every failure is one step closer to success. You’re going to have to work hard in life if you want to take in the full benefits of being alive. Don’t shy away from opportunities just because there’s some work to do in order to get what you want.

#8. Micromanaging your future.

When you’re preparing your future, be aware that not everything will always be in your hands. You can organize your life down to the last detail but situations are going to happen that you didn’t anticipate. Roll with the punches of life instead of resisting what happens.

#9. Not realizing your worth.

If you don’t really think you’re worth obtaining all of the great things life has to offer, all of your actions will reflect that. Don’t take the first offer that comes to you for love, work or friendships. Wait for the offer that is in tune with what you really want — and even better, go after it!

#10. Not taking action.

While you may have many dreams, they aren’t going to create themselves. You have to decide which dream you’re going to go for and do it. The sooner you start on the path, the sooner life will begin to unfold and give you everything you want.