Artist Walks All Day In Siberia To Create Giant Geometric Snow Art

Calling himself “the world’s first and most famous ‘Snow Artist'”, Simon Beck spends 5-12 hours walking with nothing but snow shoes and ski poles to create his incredible geometric snow art.

Simon made his first artwork in 2004. After a day of skiing, he wanted to draw a star on a small frozen lake. Looking down from the ski lift later, he was pretty impressed by the result.

The next time there was heavy snowfall, Simon set out to create an even more complex drawing. And so Snow Art was born.

Simon’s drawings can cover up to 10 acres (that’s 8 soccer fields) and require walking up to 30 kilometers in the snow.

His Snow Art is in increasing demand from famous brands who want to see their logos in the snow.

This dragon drawing was made to promote a Russian movie, “Drakony”.

But Simon wants his work to raise awareness of his beautiful working environment whilst fascinating and inspiring people.

The ex-engineer spent his childhood drawing detailed geometrical drawings which became more complicated as his skill improved.

He thinks his natural sense of orientation mixed with his love of the natural world and physical activity inspired him to make Snow Art.

And he doesn’t seem to feel the cold…

You can see more Snow Art at Simon’s website or you can check out Simon’s brand new Snow Art book, for sale on Amazon.