Andrew Pulsipher will soon be celebrating his 10-year wedding anniversary with his wife and children. He is HIV-positive, and has been since birth.
“I know HIV has a negative stigma, but that it doesn’t have to and I want to help change that. It is a treatable disease and you can live a normal life with it. I am proof of that.”
Andrew’s goal is simple: he wants to people to know they can still lead a normal life and do normal things — like get married and have children — just like him.
Hi my name is Andrew Pulsipher. I am HIV+ and have been since birth.Here are the facts about me:1. I am married to an…
Posted by Andrew Pulsipher on Sunday, May 10, 2015
His heartwarming photo and message has since gone viral, and it’s not hard to see why. Share this story and help fight against HIV related stigma.