These Are The 10 Happiest States In America

Say aloha to America’s happiest state, because Hawaii has ranked number one in the United States for the highest overall well-being.

According to the latest Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index report, the island state dethroned Alaska (now number 2) from the top spot in last year’s report.

To rank the states, Gallup-Healthways carried out 177,281 interviews in 2015, measuring five elements that make-up well-being: Purpose (liking what you do each day and being motivated to achieve your goals), social relationships, financial security, community (liking where you live, feeling safe and having pride in your community) and physical health.

Does your state make the top 10?

#1. Hawaii.

Well-Being Index Score: 64.8

Purpose Rank: 4
Social Rank: 16
Financial Rank: 3
Community Rank: 2
Physical Health Rank: 1

#2. Alaska.

Well-Being Index Score: 64.1

Purpose Rank: 5
Social Rank: 5
Financial Rank: 1
Community Rank: 7
Physical Health Rank: 6

#3. Montana.

Well-Being Index Score: 63.8

Purpose Rank: 21
Social Rank: 37
Financial Rank: 9
Community Rank: 1
Physical Health Rank: 4

#4. Colorado.

Well-Being Index Score: 63.6

Purpose Rank: 15
Social Rank: 21
Financial Rank: 17
Community Rank: 6
Physical Health Rank: 2

#5. Wyoming.

Well-Being Index Score: 63.5

Purpose Rank: 3
Social Rank: 15
Financial Rank: 8
Community Rank: 4
Physical Health Rank: 10

#6. South Dakota.

Well-Being Index Score: 63.5

Purpose Rank: 7
Social Rank: 43
Financial Rank: 6
Community Rank: 3
Physical Health Rank: 7

#7. Minnesota.

Well-Being Index Score: 63.3

Purpose Rank: 14
Social Rank: 19
Financial Rank: 4
Community Rank: 8
Physical Health Rank: 9

#8. Utah.

Well-Being Index Score: 63.1

Purpose Rank: 18
Social Rank: 3
Financial Rank: 31
Community Rank: 5
Physical Health Rank: 11

#9. Arizona.

Well-Being Index Score: 63

Purpose Rank: 6
Social Rank: 7
Financial Rank: 23
Community Rank: 16
Physical Health Rank: 8

#10. California.

Well-Being Index Score: 62.7

Purpose Rank: 10
Social Rank: 18
Financial Rank: 21
Community Rank: 29
Physical Health Rank: 3

And if you’re wondering which states had the worst levels of well-being, here they are:

#46. Indiana.
Well-Being Index Score: 60.5

#47. Ohio.
Well-Being Index Score: 60.5

#48. Oklahoma.
Well-Being Index Score: 60.4

#49. Kentucky.
Well-Being Index Score: 60.3

#50. West Virginia.
Well-Being Index Score: 58.5

Is it time to move?