20 Foods You’ve Been Pronouncing Wrong This Whole Time

The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) have come up with a handy list of all those hip-but-hard-to-pronounce foods so you can impress everyone with your spot-on pronunciation.

#1. Espresso — eh-spress-oh.

Head of pronunciation at the OED (yes, that is a real job), Catherine Sangster explains, “When a new food or drink becomes popular, we keep an eye on how it’s name gets adapted into English.”

#2. Prosciutto — pro-shoot-tow.

“Some speakers will ant to say the name in a completely authentic manner, matching the original language, and other speakers will be influenced by the spelling or prefer to anglicize the words.”

#3. Nicoise — ni-swaz.

“In the dictionary we give pronunciations that are accurate and also reflect the reality of how the word is being spoken.”

#4. Quinoa — keen-wah.

#5. Bouillabaisse — boo-ya-behss.

#6. Gnocchi — nyohk-kee.

#7. Tzatziki — tsat-si-key.

#8. Habanero — habe-a-ne-reu

#9. Crudités — krew-dee-tay.

#10. Ceviche — seh-bee-tche.

#11. Parmigiano reggiano — par-mee-djah-no rehd-djah-no.

#12. Manchego — man-chay-go.

#13. Guacamole — gwah-kah-moh-leh.

#14. Halloumi — ha-lu-mi.

#15. Chipotle — chi-poat-lay.

#16. Bouillon — bo-yon.

#17. Maraschino — ma-ra-skeeno.

#18. Edamame — ed-a-mar-mei.

#19. Acai — ah-sigh-ee.

#20. Rioja – ree-oh-ha.

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