Watch This Thrill-Seeking Stowaway Cat Emerge Mid-Air During A Glider Flight

When Romain Jantot took off in his lightweight aircraft, he had no idea that he had a hidden stowaway passenger. And you can bet that this kitty, who had climbed onto the inside of the wing frame, hadn’t the faintest clue about what he’d gotten himself into, either.

Check out Romain’s reaction as he realizes that he’s got a second passenger. Luckily, it was a happy ending with the kitty hanging on for dear life until touchdown. Something tells us that this furball won’t make the same mistake again.

Time for takeoff. All is clear, and not a cat in sight.

no cat

Wait, what’s that? Is that a… cat?!

cat first appearance

The moment when the gravity of the situation begins to dawn on Mr Fluffy…

getting scared

… and he goes into full feline terror mode.


Touchdown! Luckily for the cat, the pilot, and the pilot’s human passenger, the daredevil kitty cat managed to hold on until the end, and escaped without so much as a scratch.


Now the lucky feline is the mascot of the Club ULM 16-34 Airport. Check out the hair-raising video below: