Watch This Woman Demonstrate Exactly How Transformative Makeup Can Be

If you’ve ever wondered what really goes on beneath the layers of makeup that countless women wear, you’re about to find out.

It starts of innocently enough with this lady preening for the camera.

She proceeds to shake a bottle of makeup remover — with considerable vigor, it must be said.

She then (sheepishly) pours a generous amount of makeup remover onto a cotton pad.

Like we said, generous.

She starts off by removing the gorgeous smokey eye that she probably worked super hard to achieve.

Then she proceeds to remove her eyebrow makeup…

… and the rest of the gunk on half her face, revealing a more tanned countenance.

The difference is astonishing. Even she is amused.

Either way, makeup or no makeup, she’s beautiful.

Here’s the amazingly eye-opening video: