To promote a season of giving rather than getting, Up TV offered a few kids a very tricky choice: they could either keep a present for themselves, or give something to their parents. The results are magical!
The kids come from low income families in Atlanta, US, some of which can’t afford a Christmas tree, according to the video.
After asking the kids what they were hoping for this Christmas, with answers ranging from an Xbox 360 to “a giant Barbie house,” Up TV then quizzed the kids about what their parents would like.
Then two gifts were placed in front of each child.
The youngsters were told that they could either keep the gift that they’ve been waiting for all year or surprise their parents with a present.
Torn between toys and gifts for their families, there was a bit of deliberating…
…but every child chose to spoil their parents.
When asked why he’d chosen to give his mom jewelry rather than taking a huge box of LEGO for himself, one boy replied, “Because LEGOs don’t matter. Your family matters. It’s either family or LEGOs and I choose family.”
One kid added, “I get gifts every year from my family and my mom doesn’t get anything,” while another said, “They look out for me and I have to give back.”
When asked how they were feeling, two kids said they were “happy and thankful.”
There were happy tears and hugs everywhere.
And the best part? The kids who chose to give their parents a special Christmas present were given the gift they wanted as a treat for being so lovely.