There is an ancient myth that tells of humans being split into two by the god Zeus, condemning us to spend our lives yearning for the other half to complete us. While most people think soulmates are for romantic relationships, you know for a fact that you’ve already found your other half in the form of your zany bestie.
#1. Her mouth isn’t just honest, it’s brutal.
Her words can cut a bitch. She’s not afraid to tell you the ugly truth even if it hurts your feelings. And you know that when she says your extensions make you look ratchet, she means it.
#2. Nonexistent boundaries.
You have your own keys to her apartment, and know more about her sex life than her own boyfriend. Space? What does that word even mean?
#3. In fact, you’re always mistaken for siblings, or a couple.
If you grew a hair for every time you were asked whether the two of you are related, you’d be freaking Chewbacca.
#4. Sometimes it seems like your brains are synchronized.
You just randomly burst out singing the same song in the car, or show up at school wearing almost the exact same outfits.
#5. … as well as your biological functions.
“I brought an extra tampon for you ‘coz I just got my period this morning. Oh, and glazed doughnuts.”
#6. You two are in constant contact 24/7, 7x/week.
Snapchat, Face Time, SMS, e-mail, messenger, tweeting… you communicate on several multimedia platforms during the course of the day.
#7. The nicknames you give each other range from hilarious to PG13.
“Hey, Q-tip!” “Yo, Poop Fudge!”
#8. Terms of endearment take the form of harsh, uncalled-for insults.
Why? Because they’re funny af.
#9. You understand 100% that being a BFF comes with contractual obligations.
“Holy Shit Death Cab for Cutie’s having a concert here in 6 months! Already bought 2 tickets because you’re coming with me whether you like it or not.”
#10. Non-verbal cues.
Even without you saying anything, they know when you’re feeling down in the dumps. Or when you need to escape the creepy guy cornering you at the bar.
#11. People around you consider you a package deal.
Whenever one isn’t around, you’re bound to get the “Where’s ____?” question.
#12. You easily get territorial when other people come into the equation.
“So Debbie from summer camp was a temporary BFF, right? Does she even know you’re allergic to baby powder and f*ckboys?”
#13. … and “cheating” on you with another friend is considered a sin.
“I demand to know why you had gelato with Carol without me. Gelato after yoga is *our* sacred ritual, how could you??”
#14. There is no such thing as TMI between you.
Her REAL no makeup snapchat selfies are one thing, but that pic she sent you of her long-ass ingrown hair? MAN THAT GIRL NASTY.
#15. You are partners in crime… sometimes, even literally.
Like that one time you prank-called 911 while she laughed hysterically in the background. In your defense, you were wasted out of your minds.
#16. Long distance best-friendships are hard af but you manage to make it work.
… with the help of Skype, lots of phone calls, and Christmases when you both get to go home for the holidays and see each other.
#17. Their feelings are an extension of yours.
She now hates particular stores at the mall because they don’t carry your size, even though she herself is a size 4.
#18. You can do just about anything with them and not get bored.
Whether you’re out painting the town red or in your jammies having a Gilmore Girls marathon, you love every minute of the time you spend with each other.
#19. You trust them more than anyone else… even more than yourself.
You: “I are drunk. Might text ex. Pls help what do I do.”
BFF: “Put the phone down and back away slowly.”
#20. You genuinely care about their wellbeing.
Have they eaten? Will they get a cold in the rain? That bitch better stay away from shellfish or I’m gonna have another heart attack.
#21. It’s annoying how you can never stay mad at one another for very long.
Like any other relationship, you and your homegirl have a row from time to time. But no matter how bad the fight gets, friendship always wins.
#22. You can literally tell them anything.
From what you had for breakfast to the horrible, disturbing extent of your online stalking skills, you know that whatever you tell them will no longer turn them off. You’re in too deep now.
#23. You can’t imagine a past or future without this person.
They’re the Pedro to your Dora, the Lorelai to your Rory, the Mike Wazowski to your Sulley. You’ve been through so much together that you refuse to even acknowledge a time when you might lose them. You’re not just friends, you’re family.