You Have Got To See These Baby Pandas Sleeping In Baskets Right Now

The only thing cuter than baby pandas are baby pandas sleeping in baskets.

These little cuties were born earlier this at the Ya’an Bifengxia Giant Panda Breeding Center in China. Last week, they made their debut public appearance.

The pandas range in age from two weeks to two months old.

Little baby pandas are a big deal because females are able to breed for only 2-3 days a year, and they only give birth to one cub every two years.

This year has been a good one for panda conservation according to the deputy minister of Animal Management at the China Conservation and Research Centre, Luo Bo.

Look at his little tongue!


Cuteness overload.

“What are you looking at?”

Three little pandas, sleeping in a row…


Sleep, little one.

Look how tiny they are!