Our lives have previously been enriched with flower beard and, last Christmas, men attached baubles to their beards to introduce festivity to their facial fuzz. So what’s the latest fabulous trend in beard world? Introducing… glitter beards!
They come in a range of shapes, colors, styles, and sizes.

You can synchronise your beard glitter with fellow chin-warmer enthusiasts.

Keep it sleek with clean lines and neat brows to match.

Make sure your hairstyle emphasises your glitterwork.

Or jump on the clashing prints trend and wildly mismatch your glasses, beard and blazer.

Play around with the multicolored look.

Match your color scheme to your piercing eyes and bring shame upon the Beardless.

Remember, your glitter beard should be the main attraction — not the supporting act.

Unless you’re going all out with chest hair glitter, too (highly recommended).

It’s the perfect follicle fashion statement for days out.

How else can you show off the years of grooming that have gone into your lush, manly beard?

Answer: You can’t.

Hats and piercings optional.

What do you think? We reckon these fabulously follicled gents are onto a winner.