People Are Freaking Out Over This Girl’s Heartbreaking Tweet About Her Grandpa

One girl’s Tweet about having dinner with her grandfather is going viral and breaking hearts around the world because of its gut-wrenching backstory.

Kelsey Harmon, from Oklahoma, posted this photo of dinner with “Papaw”, saying that he’d invited his six grandchildren over but Kelsey was the only one to show up.

“So I sit down and get a plate, but he waits because he wanted to make sure everyone else got plenty,” Kelsey continued, “Well about 30 minutes pass and he decides he’ll eat just one.”

“An hour goes by and nobody shows. I could tell he was disappointed … he even made homemade ice cream, our favorite as kids.”

Kelsey’s post got 70,000 retweets in under 24 hours as hearts around the world broke for Papaw.

“At about midnight one person retweeted it,” said Kelsey, “Then 10 more did. Then 100 more. Then soon I had 2,000+ just within 30 minutes. It was so crazy.”

“[Papaw] is always trying to make sure we all stay close to him and close to each other,” says Kelsey, explaining that Papaw had hoped to see all his grandchildren as they were around for spring break.

As the story developed, it didn’t take long for the wrath of Twitter to be directed at Kelsey’s Papaw-abandoning cousins.

Until, bowing to pressure, Kelsey’s cousin Brock tweeted that he’d been to see Papaw (and had burgers).

We love a happy ending.