

12 Drool-Worthy Fall Pizzas You Need To Try Right Now

With pumpkin spice covering just about everything in fall, it was only a matter of time until pizzas, too, got an autumnal makeover. #1. Pepitos Topped with: Butternut squash, sweeTango, chicken sausage, pepitos, sage, red onion, garlic. #2. Roasted butternut squash and…

15 Everyday Things Women Could Not Do In The Past

Thanks to the achievements of women’s suffrage and various civil rights movements, most people around the world today enjoy the same freedoms regardless of their gender. But things weren’t always this way. When could women vote, open a bank account…

This Fluffy, Floating Thunder Cloud Is Actually A Bluetooth Speaker

Designer Richard Clarkson, in collaboration with innovative levitation technology developed by Crealav, created this dreamy floating cloud. But it’s actually a Bluetooth speaker with sound-reactive LEDs that create light effects like thunder and lightning depending on the music’s beat. The cloud…