
Taiwanese Couple Hilariously Parody Instagram #FollowMeTo Couple

Remember Murad Osmann and Natalia Zakharova? Of course you do. The Instagram-famous couple popularized the well-known #followmeto series, photographing themselves while travelling the world. But if you thought they were impressive, wait until you see Taiwanese couple Forrest Lu and Agnes Chien. The…

22 Weird Shower Thoughts That Will Blow Your Mind

If you’ve ever found yourself randomly having a sudden but striking realization about something totally random… well, you’re not alone. They are known as ‘shower thoughts’, and as the name suggests, they tend to happen to a lot of people…

7 Ways Long Term Relationships Are Totally Different To New Ones

Sarah C. Anderson is the brains behind [amazon link=”1449474195″ title=”Sarah’s Scribbles”] – hilarious, honest, and heartwarming comics that sum up the everyday joys of real life. #1. New relationships vs. long-term relationships. #2. Bedtime cuddles. #3. The progression of dinner…