
18 Star Wars Actors Then And Now

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has already been released to certain audiences. So to celebrate, we’ve gathered before-and-after images showing how our most favorite actors have changed over the years. Has time been kind to Harrison Ford? What about Carrie Fisher? Let…

This Is How To Make Wild Leopard Milk Bread

Unleash your inner big cat and impress your friends with this awesome leopard milk bread. It’s the brain child of Patricia Nascimento, who has recently shared the recipe so now you too can make this masterpiece. To make your own…

10 Reasons Why Cheese Is The Best Thing On Earth

There’s no such thing as too much cheese. Whether you’re the type to class it up with a fancy cheese plate or live your life with a knife and a snuggie ala Liz Lemon, there’s no denying the gouda. #1.…

Dinosaur Egg Candle Melts To “Hatch” An Adorable Baby Raptor

Fancy adding a bit of prehistoric ambience to your humble abode? How about this dinosaur egg candle, which melts to “hatch” an adorable baby raptor. When lit, the beautiful 14cm-tall egg eventually melts away to reveal a creature hiding inside. Although…