
19 People Who Will Never, Ever Shop Online Again

#1. The woman whose lion bouquet suffered a bumpy delivery. #2. This poor mom who accidentally bought the cat a teeny-tiny backpack. #3. This guy who tried to jazz up his room on a budget. #4. This girl who doesn’t think that’ll…

16 Pictures That Will Bring Your Inner Perfectionist To Tears

#1. This tile nightmare. #2. This glaring error you think someone would’ve noticed. #3. This anarchy. #4. Also this. #5. This inexplicable M&M migration. #6. This rogue treat that hurts our eyes. #7. This unspeakable evil. #8. This person who had ONE…

25 Ridiculous Things That Totally Ruined A Kid’s Day

#1. You mean he has to eat HOT muffins?! #2. But pleeeease, mom? #3. The horror. #4. To be fair, Miley Cyrus would upset anyone. #5. No, you can’t take your favorite tampon outside. #6. Yes, he’s a nice lobster. No,…

10 Mind-Blowing Images Of A Baby Developing In The Womb

#1. Just 4 days after fertilization. Although it doesn’t look like much, this microscopic zygote has a unique set of DNA, a sex (it’s a girl!), and is how we all started out. #2. Around 5-6 weeks of gestation. Although…