
16 Pictures That Will Bring Your Inner Perfectionist To Tears

#1. This tile nightmare. #2. This glaring error you think someone would’ve noticed. #3. This anarchy. #4. Also this. #5. This inexplicable M&M migration. #6. This rogue treat that hurts our eyes. #7. This unspeakable evil. #8. This person who had ONE…

This Is How To Trick Your Body Into Feeling Less Tired

A recent study has shown that there’s a simple way to use your brain power to combat a bad night’s sleep and trick yourself into feeling more awake. 21 students from Colorado College were given a short lesson on what constitutes…

10 Mind-Blowing Images Of A Baby Developing In The Womb

#1. Just 4 days after fertilization. Although it doesn’t look like much, this microscopic zygote has a unique set of DNA, a sex (it’s a girl!), and is how we all started out. #2. Around 5-6 weeks of gestation. Although…

12 Easy Tricks To Make People Like You Immediately

#1. Smile. It sounds obvious, but it’s all too easy to lapse into “bitchy resting face”. One study found that women smiling were perceived as more likeable than women who weren’t smiling, regardless of body language. #2. Monitor your friend…

This Is How To Survive Choking When You’re Alone

We all know about the Heimlich manouver to clear someone’s airways when they’re choking, but how do you save yourself if you’re alone and struggling to breathe? Jeff Rehman, a fire medic of 22 years, has an effective way to clear…

This One Simple Exercise Can Perfect Your Posture

If you’ve found yourself in a bit of a slump from hunching over a desk eight hours a day, you need to try this simple exercise that’ll give you perfect posture. This back extension works the muscles in your back to…

70 Parenting Hacks All Moms And Dads Should Know

Being a parent can be tough and stressful. But with a bit of creativity, sometimes things can be done in a way that’s less work-intensive for the parent, and more fun for the child. We call these ‘parenting hacks’, and…

This Is Why You Should Stop Squeezing Your Pimples Right Now

We all struggle with unsightly pimples popping up (usually at the worst times), and the easiest way to remove a blemish is squeezing it, right? Wrong. Pimples occur when oil from the sebaceous glands is blocked by bacteria and dead skin…

22 Weird Shower Thoughts That Will Blow Your Mind

If you’ve ever found yourself randomly having a sudden but striking realization about something totally random… well, you’re not alone. They are known as ‘shower thoughts’, and as the name suggests, they tend to happen to a lot of people…