

I function a little like a lizard: I love taking in the dry, hot sunlight, I regularly enjoy perching myself atop trees, and I'm into politics, like my peers. My idea for the perfect date would include nujazz, dark chocolate, and a hot tub.

9 Reasons Why You Should Cuddle Your Dog More Often

Most dog owners would agree that you don’t need a reason to cuddle your dog more often — if anything, a dog’s stare and nuzzle is enough to melt any pooch lover’s heart. There are, however, actual benefits to cuddling and petting…

14 Things Every Dad Should Teach His Son

Dad is role model numero uno for most boys, but with being a great role model comes great responsibility. Raising a kid takes a great deal of patience, and it takes a great deal of love – but a lot…

9 Upcycling Furniture Ideas That Save Money & Look Great

Oh, the joyous task of getting furniture. It’s the dreaded moment you trudge to IKEA and spend your precious weekend in queues, only to spend your hard-earned money on something you’re not sure you even like, and then proceed to decipher impossible instruction leaflets.…

10 Health Benefits Of Spicy Food

For those of us who like it hot, breathing flames from the mouth and feeling beads of sweat on the forehead are a regular meal-time occurrence. It’s common knowledge that a bowl of chili can fix many things, and cultures have used spice…

8 Surprising Ways Alcohol Is Actually Good For You

For alcohol, the difference between healthy and horrible lies in the numerical value of drink, where drink is 12 oz of beer, 5 oz of wine, or 1.5 oz of 80 proof. A drink a day for women, and two a day for men is the broad…

12 Ways To Stay Alert Without Coffee

We’re not built to sit at desks and work on reports for hours on end — but for good or bad, caffeine has now made this possible. Coffee has indeed become the universal drug of the worldwide desk jockey, but with the…

12 Scientifically-Proven Reasons To Drink More Beer

Aye, everyone enjoys a good pint. But did you know that your body does, too? Although you probably don’t need to be persuaded, here’s a dozen peer-reviewed reasons you should drink more beer. Bottoms up! #1. Beer is good for your kidneys.…

14 Best Oven Roasted Vegetables

Vegetables as they are can already be delicious, colorful little bundles of health — but when you want your veg to really shine in flavor and looks, nothing works quite like the dry, powerful heat of a magnificent oven. Pop in a…

12 Simple Yet Powerful Secrets To Sleeping Better

Sleep. Whether you’re a struggling college student, a new mom, a corporate intern, or retired, you need and should be getting a full nights rest. But what if you spend half that time struggling to fall asleep, then end up…

12 Super Effective Ways To Beat The Summer Heat

It’s summer, and if you’ve not been in a puddle of your own sweat in recent memory then you’re either quite heat-resistant, living down under, or you’ve got an air conditioning unit — one that can gobble up a decent amount…

22 Foods You Can Use For Cleaning & Cosmetics

Facial scrub? Body lotion? Hair conditioner? If you think you need to visit the cosmetics aisle to stock up on these, think again! There are household and beauty products hidden all throughout your pantry and refrigerator — here’s a couple to…

12 Awesome Things You Can Do With Used Tea Bags

Are you sitting down with a lovely cup of black tea, or a mug of chamomile? Well, don’t throw that teabag away just yet — because besides being a great drink, tea has quite a few household uses. #1. Make…