

Writer held captive in a bunker somewhere in South East Asia. It's okay, though. I heard LCD Soundsystem reformed and that's all that really matters to me.

Thermostat Energy Saving Tips

With winter coming and temperatures dropping, many are tempted to raise the heat on their thermostats. But bad news: higher degree settings mean larger energy bills. If you’re looking to save a couple of bucks without freezing indoors, don’t worry.…

8 Proven Ways To Sleep Better At Night

Getting enough sleep is a crucial factor in our mental and physical wellbeing. Falling short of the required 8 hours can directly affect our energy, weight, emotional balance, and productivity. If you’re someone who has trouble with getting some shuteye,…

13 Unusual Uses For Clear Nail Polish

It’s an unwritten rule that people must never finish a bottle of clear nail polish—why else are there so many almost unused bottles lying in random drawers around the house? If you’re feeling bad about throwing them away, then you’d…