
Star Wars Showerheads Let You Bathe In Vader’s Tears

Celebrate the release of the new Star Wars movie with these Darth Vader and R2-D2 showerheads. Produced by Oxygenics and sold internationally by Bed, Bath & Beyond, the Vader model lets you bathe in the Sith Lord’s tears — after all, what better…

15 One-Pot Recipes For The Hopelessly Lazy Cook

Love to cook but hate to clean up? We’re not fans of washing dishes either. With these recipes, you’ll not only stretch your budget and feed a lot more people, but there’s also minimal washing-up! What’s not to love? #1. Pork…

19 Struggles Only People Who Rent Can Relate To

Not all of us have the luxury of being able to afford our own home. Which pretty much leaves renting as the only option left. And for many of us, the struggle can be very real… #1. You can’t put…

11 Taco-Flavored Recipes For National Taco Day

This National Taco Day on Sunday 4th October, let us pay homage to this spicy, cheesy, otherworldly culinary creation. Here are a few recipes that will make you the Taco Belle of the ball: #1. Tacos Carne Asada. Takes about…

10 Ways Growing Up With A Sister Is The Best

Sisters don’t have to get along all the time. Arguments and petty quarrels are part and parcel of sisterhood. If you happen to have one who is your your best friend first and your arch enemy second, consider yourself lucky.…

9 Upcycling Furniture Ideas That Save Money & Look Great

Oh, the joyous task of getting furniture. It’s the dreaded moment you trudge to IKEA and spend your precious weekend in queues, only to spend your hard-earned money on something you’re not sure you even like, and then proceed to decipher impossible instruction leaflets.…

Sleep At Work With “Nap Desk” That Converts Into Bed

The benefits of the power nap are now well established. CEOs everywhere credit them with helping improve productivity, citing studies which show that short snoozes improve memory five-fold, restore wakefulness, and improve efficiency. So it’s no surprise that a small number of companies have set…

20 Thoughts That Are Too Real For Anyone Who Goes To The Gym

Working out is tough. It takes major discipline, hard work, and a kick-ass playlist. If you’re one of those people in a love/hate relationship with working out at the gym — don’t worry,  you’re not alone. #1. “Please no one look at…

Make The Purrfect Breakfast With This Cat-Shaped Egg Mold

Cooking isn’t just about eating. It’s about coming together, creativity, love, and fun. Apparently, it’s also about cats. You didn’t know it, but you definitely need these cat-shaped molds, guaranteed to make your sunny side up eggs just purrfect. The…

Cute Japanese Umbrellas Reveal Hidden Patterns Under The Rain

For something a little different to brighten up those rainy days, how about these umbrellas that only reveal their hidden patterns when it rains. These umbrellas from Japan use a combination of water repellent and absorbent coatings to create cute…

12 Guilty Pleasures Every Single Girl Can Relate To

There’s no reason to rush love. Relationships come and go, so having ‘single’ as a relationship status at least once in your life is inevitable. Everyone talks about the benefits of a relationship, but being single has its perks too.…

9 Reasons Why You Should Never Work Overseas

We’ve all had that moment when, sitting in our cold cubicles, we stare at the palm trees on our desktop screensaver and fantasize about living and working in some exotic location. Well, we’re here to tell you to SHUT. IT. DOWN. Here are just a few solid reasons…