
8 Reasons Why Every Introvert Needs An Extrovert Best Friend

Introverts and extroverts make perfect (if unlikely) friends. They might seem like complete opposites, but they complement each other like yin and yang. And while introverts may generally feel like they’re better off by themselves, here are a few reasons why they…

12 Awesome Things You Can Do With Used Tea Bags

Are you sitting down with a lovely cup of black tea, or a mug of chamomile? Well, don’t throw that teabag away just yet — because besides being a great drink, tea has quite a few household uses. #1. Make…

15 Food Names You’ve Probably Been Saying Wrong

You may be eating right, but are you pronouncing your food names correctly? This handy guide from Dig To Know tells us exactly how to say some of the world’s most frequently mispronounced food names. #1. Hummus. #2. Jalapeño. #3. Quinoa. #4. Pasta.…

24 Brutally Honest Cards That Every Parent Can Relate To

There’s nothing like the bond between parent and child, but sometimes, having kids can be overwhelming. Here are 24 brutally honest cards from someecards that you may relate to… don’t worry, we’re not judging. #1. #2. #3. #4. #5. #6. #7.…

22 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Beer

Beer is the world’s most consumed alcoholic beverage. And it’s been around for ages, but how much do you actually know about it? #1. The beer belly is a lie. According to nutritionist Dr. Kathryn O’Sullivan, who exposed the falseness of this widespread belief.…

16 Tips For Becoming The Most Productive Person You Know

Do you sometimes wish there were more than 24 hours in a day? If Beyoncé can have a concert in Japan in the morning, a lunch interview in London, and dinner at the Oscars, then there must be some secret we’re missing.…

This Is What A Real Post-Partum Body Looks Like

What really happens to a woman’s body after giving birth? “I am a mother. I am tired, broken and sore. I have lumps, bumps, marks and jiggly bits,” blogger and nutritionist Julie Bhosale writes in a powerful post that has…

13 Mistakes Every Girl Makes When Shopping

Shopping is one of life’s pleasures. It’s also a skill, and one that not everyone possesses. So ladies, scroll down and take some notes: here are 13 mistakes that all girls make when shopping. #1. Going inside a store to ‘look around.’ LIES.…

24 Nifty Items To Help You Get Your Act Together

Sometimes it’s hard enough remembering what you had for breakfast, let alone all the stuff that needs to be done for the day. So in order to help you get your act together, we’ve compiled a list of life-changing gadgets. You can…