
13 Single Girl Problems Every Single Girl Can Relate To

Ahh, the joys of being single. You have the freedom to do pretty much anything you want, from backpacking around Asia to climbing the corporate ladder. But sadly, not everyone sees it from your own perspective. The world just doesn’t get…

17 Reasons Why Every Couple Should Workout Together

#1. You will have someone to accomplish goals with. Your inspiration becomes your sports buddy. How much better can it get? #2. You will grow stronger together. #3. You will talk about things only the two of you understand. Your…

This Is What PTSD Really Looks Like

“This is what the war looks like when it’s done for many people.” Brad Ivanchan is already a war veteran at the age of 24. Having lost both his legs in Afghanistan, the former Marine is a survivor of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder —…

This Is What Depression Actually Looks Like

Time to Change is a mental health anti-stigma programme that has just launched Get the Picture, a campaign that aims to convince media outlets to stop using simple images of people clutching their heads to depict what mental illness is…

Dad And 8-Year Old Son Create A Food Map Of Each US State

Chris Durso is a very different kind of chef: he cooks states instead of steaks. Chris got the idea from his son, Cameron, whose 8-year-old culinary mind came up with funny names like “New Pork” or “Kaleifornia.” The duo started with their…

90-Year-Old Reunites With Wallet After 7 Decades

When Edward Parker lost his wallet 65 years ago in Lambeth Palace, the most difficult thing for him was not losing the cash, but rather losing the treasured photos of his loved ones. Parker had no expectations of finding his…

19 Reasons Why You Should Never Visit Oregon

1. Maybe you’ve heard of Oregon, maybe not. Trillium Lake sunrise, Oregon 2. It’s supposedly some beautiful state that’s home to lush greenery. Crimson Clover, Hilsboro, Oregon 3. Pff. Benson Footbridge, Multnomah Falls, Oregon 4. What’s so great about this place? Crater…

Rubbery Russian Woman Has Ligaments As Flexible As A Baby’s

Meet Julia Günthel, the female contortionist widely considered to be the most ‘bendiest’ woman alive. Günthel, who goes by the stage name “Zlata,” was born in Kazakhstan. She discovered her uncanny talent when a preschool teacher complimented her flexibility. She was four years…

London-Based Photographer Captures Sleeping Babies’ Sweet Smiles

West London-based Sandi Ford is an award-winning photographer whose specialty is capturing images of newborns. Her years of experience behind the camera has given her a sixth sense for the highly evasive phenomenon — a newborn baby’s smile. Although many believe that a…