
18 Things You Really Shouldn’t Do Abroad

Horror stories about travellers behaving badly are a dime a dozen. They range from cringe-inducing to downright disastrous. So the good folks at travel insurance provider Globelink International have recently come up with this very useful and straightforward infographic on what…

15 Ways This Summer Will Absolutely Suck

Aaah summer, the least wonderful time of the year. Getting months off from school, having an abundant supply of frozen treats, and going on vacation? Dreadful. There’s no season worse than summer. I mean, come on. #1. Wasting afternoons on a…

40 Shocking Examples of 1970s Men’s Fashion

Let’s face it — men’s fashion is mostly quite sober these days. But not so in the 70s, when it was positively out there. Whether you are here to have a laugh at some cringeworthy fashion ads, or you actually…

17 Things Only Sarcastic People Will Understand

Some say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. Others say that people who are sarcastic are just certified smart asses. … Hear that? That’s the sound of a thousand sarcastic people not giving a sh*t. #1. You get in trouble way…

15 Things Only Ambiverts Can Relate To

Introvert or extrovert: which are you? While it’s an easy choice for some, others struggle to choose a side. Well, there’s good news. Introversion and extroversion aren’t rigid categories — they’re a spectrum, and the middle is ruled by the ambiverts. So…

12 Reasons Why Going Vegan Is The Best Thing You Can Ever Do

It’s a cliché that vegans are militant, self-righteous, short-tempered bigots who will go on a crusade against anyone with a chicken sandwich, but just how true is that really? #1. You won’t ever have to worry about wasting water again.…

17 Things You Didn’t Know You Needed This Summer

#1. This inflatable that’s perfect for pizza pool parties, $50. Just try not to take a bite out of it. #2. A cooler/USB charger/cutting board This little guy replaces almost an entire kitchen. #3. These beach glasses that’ll keep you company whether on…