

Writer held captive in a bunker somewhere in South East Asia. It's okay, though. I heard LCD Soundsystem reformed and that's all that really matters to me.

22 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Beer

Beer is the world’s most consumed alcoholic beverage. And it’s been around for ages, but how much do you actually know about it? #1. The beer belly is a lie. According to nutritionist Dr. Kathryn O’Sullivan, who exposed the falseness of this widespread belief.…

13 Mistakes Every Girl Makes When Shopping

Shopping is one of life’s pleasures. It’s also a skill, and one that not everyone possesses. So ladies, scroll down and take some notes: here are 13 mistakes that all girls make when shopping. #1. Going inside a store to ‘look around.’ LIES.…

17 Wicked Gift Ideas For The Social Recluse

Even social recluses and misanthropes need love, too. So whether you’re shopping for a friend or for yourself, these gifts will definitely put a little warmth in some hearts. Truly, nothing says ‘I love you’ quite like an illustration of the middle finger……

15 Ways This Summer Will Absolutely Suck

Aaah summer, the least wonderful time of the year. Getting months off from school, having an abundant supply of frozen treats, and going on vacation? Dreadful. There’s no season worse than summer. I mean, come on. #1. Wasting afternoons on a…

13 Things Only People Who Hate Drinking Can Relate To

There’s no denying that alcohol can be fun. But most of the time, you’d rather stay away. You’re one of those people who just aren’t enthusiastic about a raging hangover or giving your poor liver a battering. So if you’re a clean-living, sober wild…

15 Things Only Ambiverts Can Relate To

Introvert or extrovert: which are you? While it’s an easy choice for some, others struggle to choose a side. Well, there’s good news. Introversion and extroversion aren’t rigid categories — they’re a spectrum, and the middle is ruled by the ambiverts. So…

15 Things College Never Taught You About The Real World

You’d think your time on campus was enough preparation for the outside world, but no. Those years were just the tip of the cold, unforgiving iceberg also known as life. Unfortunately, there is no course called Real World 101, and neither is there a post-graduation survival guide. But…