
15 Reasons You Should Be Your Own Best Friend

#1. You can get to know yourself better. When you take the time and energy to look within yourself, you get a chance to find out who you really are. When you do that, you are more in tune with the…

Kate Middleton’s Makeup Artist Shares Her Royal Beauty Secrets

Makeup artist Hannah Martin got Kate Middleton’s face looking gorgeous for her big day, so she knows her stuff — and now she’s sharing her 5-steps for “confidence makeup”. “Many women try to conceal their looks [with makeup],” says Hannah, “It can be…

9 Reasons Why People Who Are Always Late Make Great Friends

Everybody has that friend who is always late. But before you tell them off for being disrespectful and rude, you might want to consider this: people who are always late are also optimistic, creative, and happy. Not convinced? Read on. #1.…

8 Foods You’ve Been Eating Wrong The Whole Time

You might think you’ve got the hang of adult life because you’ve mastered eating food, right? Wrong. Think again. #1. Stop hacking wildly at limes and use this clever trick to maximise the juice from squeezing. #2. We’ve all attempted to peel…

Why Showering Everyday Is Actually Bad For You

Showering every morning might make you feel squeaky clean and ready to face the day ahead, but research suggests you could actually be harming your body by showering too often. The study points out that daily showers are a societal norm, as…

10 Ways To Improve Your Mood When Life Feels Hopeless

#1. Reach out to your friends. It’s time to get together with one or some of your favorite friends. Talk out your sorrow, pain and fears. Getting out your negative thoughts can be helpful and having a friend by your…