Love and Relationships

12 Signs He Doesn’t Want A Relationship With You

Relationships can be difficult to navigate, especially when you’re not sure what the other person is thinking. If you’re wondering whether or not the man you’re interested in wants a relationship with you, there are signs you can watch out…

18 Clever Halloween Costume Ideas For Couples

Halloween is a time when people can let their imaginations run wild. For couples, it’s the perfect opportunity to come up with creative costumes that will make everyone envious. Here are 18 clever ideas to get you started. #1. Tinkerbell…

Artist Beautifully Captures The Evolution Of Love And Dating

Love is beautiful in all its many stages. From the butterflies of that first meeting to the warmth of being welcomed by your family after coming home from a long day. Artist Pascal Campion has wonderfully captured these little, everyday moments that give…

10 Annoying Things All New Couples Have To Go Through

Finding love is great. But there is no doubt that there are also some seriously annoying and downright awkward things that happen during this period of pure bliss. From learning each other’s quirks to dealing with family drama, here are…

10 Most Attractive Personality Traits

There are a lot of factors that go into making somebody attractive. While appearance is often believed to be the most important, personality traits are far more powerful when it comes to affecting someone’s opinion of you. Many of these…

8 Ways Dating Used To Be Better Than It Is Today

It’s almost impossible to keep up with today’s dating do’s and don’ts if you didn’t grow up in this era. If you are yet to understand why your parents keep saying, “Kids these days…”, well, you’re just about to. #1. Finding potential dates was…

8 Surprising Health Benefits Of Kissing

It’s obvious that a good smooch feels great, but did you know that it’s also good for your health? Sweet kisses with your main squeeze can actually help you live a longer and healthier life. #1. Kissing boosts your immunity This one is common knowledge by now —…

24 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Also Your Best Friend

Have you and your partner reached the elusive “BFFF” level in your relationship? #1. You trust him to order your food for you. Whether it’s at Nando’s, Chipotle, or Pizza Hut, you never need to worry about accidentally eating an olive or those filthy-tasting black…

17 Reasons You Should Date a Girl Who Reads

She’s the girl sitting in the corner, eyes fixed on the pages in front of her. Her bag is never without at least one paperback. You’ll find this girl in cafes, libraries, bookstores, or literally any corner where there’s a seat…

15 Things To Know Before Dating A Low Maintenance Girl

Some people think that calling a girl low-maintenance is just code for lazy and unhygienic — in other words, undateable. Au contraire… her carefree attitude means she’s exactly the kind of girl you want to hang out with. And if you’ve somehow found yourself one of these rare…