Love and Relationships

16 Things You Should Know Before Dating A Sarcastic Girl

#1. You should be aware of your right to remain silent: everything you do can and will be used against you. You singing to Taylor Swift in the shower is perfect cannon fodder. That time you made her wait for two hours at…

5 Psychological Reasons Why We Fall For Those We Cannot Have

It’s a tale as old as time: you fall for a someone, that person doesn’t reciprocate your feelings, but you continue to pine for them all the same. Maybe he’s way out of your league, already taken, or just doesn’t feel the same way you do. Whatever…

First Heartbreak: 29 Things You Wish You Had Learned Sooner

Love. That powerful human emotion that has instigated wars, driven men to madness, and torn apart families. It’s a force to be reckoned with. Particularly so, when it all goes pear-shaped. Indeed, it could be argued that the only thing…

16 Reasons Why You Should Date An Artist

Let’s face it, dating is terrifying. And it’s even more terrifying when the person you’re dating acts like a clump of subatomic particles — at times random and unpredictable. While artists generally don’t have the best reputation in the dating…

10 Things Bisexuals Are Tired Of Hearing

To many, bisexuals are like the unicorns of the lgbt spectrum. Most people seem to be baffled at the very existence of these rare humans and constantly question their validity. But what most people don’t seem to understand is that…

16 Reasons Why You Should Date A Girl Who Travels

1. She will be really smart about finances. The traveller knows that to fuel her wanderlust, she needs to be smart about her purchases. You won’t catch her partying at a one-night Avicii concert, or shelling her hard-earned money on a $1,200 Prada…

15 Signs You’re Not With The Right Person

Having doubts about who your date or partner is normal, but too much of it may be a sign that you should end it altogether. Remember that there’s no way to force a relationship to work. Every couple is different,…

How To Have Good Sex: An Infographic Visual Guide

All the essentials you need to know before, during, and after having sex. Click on the topics below to jump into a specific section. Or read through everything to learn what you could be doing better in bed. Consent It’s…

10 Subconscious Signs A Man Likes You

Love is a feeling that I want to have forever. It’s a melody, a rhythm and a dance. You can’t force love – it happens when you least expect it. It feels as if you’ve been taken over by something…

24 Real-Life Habits Of Actual Couples

When it comes to relationship advice, sometimes it’s more effective to see what’s working for others than seek out so called ‘relationship experts’. So when one person asked how he could improve his relationship on Reddit, not only did he…

10 Secrets Of Happy Couples

Dr. Mark Goulston is psychiatrist, international speaker, and best selling author. Read his ‘10 Habits of Happy Couples’ article below, and you will see why the relationships of people from all over the world have blossomed thanks to his brilliant…