

A quasi-writer and future economist who experiences life in short bursts. I'd like to stay and chat, but I'm late for my 3 o'clock existential life crisis. Raincheck?

How Weighted Blankets Are Helping People With Anxiety

I’ve read somewhere that anxiety kind of feels like when your chair tips back and you almost fall but catch yourself—that sensation of a mini heart attack, but lasting several hours and for seemingly no reason. You can probably imagine…

12 Best Exercises For Pregnant Women

So you’re pregnant! We bet that the struggle of carrying a human in your belly makes you want to just stay in bed and do absolutely nothing. But did you know that maintaining a regular exercise routine throughout your pregnancy actually…

Why Your Eye Is Twitching, And How To Make It Stop

Ever experienced an uncomfortable twitching in your eye, similar to leg cramps? Then you know how uncomfortable it gets. Also called eye spasms, eyelid tics, or “myokymia,” that pesky twitching is caused by involuntary muscle spasms in the small muscles and…

10 Reasons Why You Need A Slow Cooker In Your Life

They’re the must-have kitchen gadget for every proud suburban housewife, but slow cookers are so much more than just a Stepford wife’s accessory. This handy and dependable cooking tool should be on every kitchen counter all over the world, and…