
Here’s What $30 Can Get You In Food Around The World

Ever wondered how much more (or less!) food you’d be able to eat with the same amount of money if you were in another country? Here’s what a $30 meal looks like around the world #1. Japan Japan has always been a culinary…

This Baby Surprising Himself With His Own Fart Will Make You Giggle

Mareto is 2 months old and lives in Japan. His dad, Hirohito, recently tweeted this adorable (and slightly gross) video of little Mareto giving himself, er, a surprise. From his butt. You can watch the video below. 自分のおならの音にびっくりするわが子。 pic.twitter.com/UIJsmzBaD8 —…

33 Amazing Metal Sculptures From Around The World

There’s a reason why we love looking at sculptures of famous people and things – they not only serve as a great piece of art, but also help us realize how much attention to detail goes into making these almost…