
Adorable Photo Series Reveals What A Preschooler Keeps In His Pockets

Preschoolers collect all manner of weird and wonderful objects during the course of the day — and these items, stuffed into their little pockets, are the subject of San Francisco photographer Melissa Kaseman’s sweet photo series entitled “Preschool Pocket Treasures”. In it,…

Are You A “Grammar Nazi”? Scientists Reveal The Real Reason Why

A recent study from University of Michigan suggests that the militant grammarians angered by rogue apostrophes and missing commas are basically, er, jerks. Linguists from the university published a study arguing that so-called “grammar Nazis” are usually disagreeable and introverted by nature.…

The 25 Best Feelings In The World

Life offers much pleasure. While some things may feel better than others (we’re looking at you, toe-curling orgasms), a few other incredible sensations also deserve acknowledgement. Like the feeling… #1. When you take a test and find everything you studied for on it. Hard…

You’ve Never Seen Anything Like This Before: Nuns Growing Weed

Not many women choose the life of a nun, after all, it takes immense discipline, dedication, belief, and apparently, a good knowledge of marijuana. Meet The Sisters of the Valley, a group of nuns based in Merced, California. They’re the subject of a…

The Priceless Moment Newborn Interrupts Photoshoot With Urine Shower

One family’s hopes of a peaceful, sweet newborn photoshoot were quickly washed away when the little tyke decided to have a little… fun. Abbie Rogers, from Abbie Rogers Photography, captured the priceless moment a newborn urinated on his parents mid-photoshoot. “It happens a…

Finally You Can Sleep Any Time, Any Place With This Duvet Suit

There’s nothing worse than having to leave the comfort of your bed each morning for the harsh, cold world outside, but now there’s a unique duvet suit to help ease the suffering of sleepyheads everywhere. We’ve all considered wrapping ourselves in…

19 Of The Most Creative (And Hilarious) Bathroom Signs Ever

Flush away boring “Men” and “Women” toilet signs, and welcome some of the most creative and hilarious toilet signs ever. Just don’t forget why you were going to the toilet in the first place. #1. #2. #3.  #4. #5. #6. #7. #8. #9.…