
7 Easy Yoga Exercises That Will Make You Taller

If you’re looking to grow a couple of inches taller, why not try yoga? Improve your posture and increase your height with these 7 poses. 1. Surya Namaskaras (Sun Salutation) The Surya Namaskaras is a pose that imitates praying to…

12 Best Exercises For Pregnant Women

So you’re pregnant! We bet that the struggle of carrying a human in your belly makes you want to just stay in bed and do absolutely nothing. But did you know that maintaining a regular exercise routine throughout your pregnancy actually…

How To Survive Intermittent Fasting And How To Do It Right

Intermittent fasting is not a diet, but a lifestyle change. To achieve your desired health goals, it is not only important to change eating habits, but to study how your body works. When practicing intermittent fasting, the body is trained…

5 Office Chair Exercises To Reverse Sleepiness

Sleepy at the office? Try these exercises for an instant energy boost. 1. Do a Torso Twist. Twisting your torso is one of the easiest ways to wake yourself up when you’re feeling sleepy at the office. Just turn to…

9 Things You Must Know Before Meal Prepping

We can all agree that making healthy choices when eating out, or eating out everyday in general, can get pricey very quickly. But with meal prepping, you are free to choose and eat foods that suit your health goals, without…

Ketogenic Diet 101: A Complete Guide For Beginners

A ketogenic diet (AKA a keto diet) is a low carb, high-fat diet that is said to improve overall health and help you lose weight. The body, through the ketones it produces, offers you an alternative source of energy –…

19 Pictures Of Olympians That Will Amaze You

#1. German cyclist Robert Forstemann and New Zealand cyclist Greg Henderson casually comparing quads. You thought Greipel has a big set of legs. There was a quad off in the German camp today. Greipel lost. — Greg Henderson OLY…