

Writer held captive in a bunker somewhere in South East Asia. It's okay, though. I heard LCD Soundsystem reformed and that's all that really matters to me.

How To Make Your Own DIY Weighted Blanket

A weighted blanket can be a great way to get a good night’s sleep. They provide gentle pressure that can help you relax and fall asleep faster. You can buy a weighted blanket online or in stores, but they can…

How To Get Your Car Ready For Winter

Snowy winters can definitely make driving a bit more challenging than usual. If you’re a regular driver, make sure to take the necessary precautions for your vehicle before hitting the icy streets. Follow these simple, handy tips to stay safe…

9 Natural Ways To Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss can happen to the best of us, but preventing it is all in learning how to take care of yourself. We’ve listed some useful, natural tips and tricks below to help you keep those precious locks stronger than…