100 Things Every Book Lover Can Relate To

1. You always have a book on you, just in case. 2. You can’t resist picking up a book when you see one. 3. You’re always excited to find new books to read. 4. You feel really proud when you…
1. You always have a book on you, just in case. 2. You can’t resist picking up a book when you see one. 3. You’re always excited to find new books to read. 4. You feel really proud when you…
Saying ‘sorry’ has become a force of habit for a lot of people. You probably say it more times than you say ‘hello,’ and don’t even realise it until someone asks you to stop. And even then, you still feel…
Working out is tough. It takes major discipline, hard work, and a kick-ass playlist. If you’re one of those people in a love/hate relationship with working out at the gym — don’t worry, you’re not alone. #1. “Please no one look at…
These 8 dollar finds are pure gold and super useful… mostly. And best of all, they won’t hurt your pocket one bit. #1. This mesh bag for cleaning your sneakers. Keep your sneakers safe when you toss them in the washer or…
There’s no reason to rush love. Relationships come and go, so having ‘single’ as a relationship status at least once in your life is inevitable. Everyone talks about the benefits of a relationship, but being single has its perks too.…
Being a bridesmaid is one of the greatest milestones in a woman’s life. But it can also be a surprisingly challenging time — after all, lots of time, money, and work goes into being a bridesmaid. Fortunately, there is no…
Every man instantly looks dapper in a suit. Can women do the same? You decide. #1. Emma Watson. Emma surely didn’t need a magic wand to look this gorgeous. #2. Amber Heard. Amber looks stunning (as always) in her sleek black…
You love it, you scream for it, you’re probably emotionally attached to it, but what do you really know about it? #1. It takes 3 gallons of milk to make 1 gallon of ice cream. Mmmmmm, calcium. #2. The original recipe…
Last at the finish line, but first in our hearts. These creatures seem to live pretty simple lives, one that many humans would envy. Could the sloth be your unrealized spirit animal? Here are some reasons that might convince you to…
Rain doesn’t exactly have the best reputation, but here’s why you should give it a chance. #1. If you’re at the office, you will get more work done. A study conducted at Harvard Business School found that employees produce more work, and…
The stereotypical gay man is every woman’s dream BFF. There’s something different and unique about having a best friend of the opposite gender who’s into the same gender you are. Here are ten ways having a gay best friend completes your…
Whoever said “mo’ money, mo’ problems” was obviously crazy or didn’t know where to shop. You know too well the struggle of having to budget your broke ass, all for the glory of shiny new things. You were born with…
People who work in retail are true working class heroes. Because with the hell that shoppers put them through on a daily basis, they still manage to remain as calm as an angel. Most of the time anyway. #1. When…
Introverts and extroverts make perfect (if unlikely) friends. They might seem like complete opposites, but they complement each other like yin and yang. And while introverts may generally feel like they’re better off by themselves, here are a few reasons why they…
White will forever be classic, but that doesn’t mean that colors can’t be classy. Contrary to tradition, many brides nowadays are steering away from the usual white and lace ensemble. From heavenly pink to sultry black, here are 15 brides who…
If you worry about how little vegetables your friends are eating or you feel the occasional urge to clean their homes for them, you might be the responsible one in your friend group. Don’t fret, there’s no shame in being…