
Just 23 Really Funny Tweets To Brighten Up Your Day

#1. Poor monkey. god: i have made Mankindangels: you fucked up a perfectly good monkey is what you did. look at it. it's got anxiety — Dr Charlotta Lofqvist, S.J. (@jon_snow_420) October 28, 2015 #2. Is it really that easy?…

24 Tweets That Accurately Sum Up How Everyone Feels About Work

#1. [break room] coworker: what's for lunch? me: [eating] food, generally cw: no, I mean what are you having? me: an unwanted conversation — Andy H. (@AndyAsAdjective) March 4, 2016 #2. Adorable idea. Colleagues have been writing names on their…

19 People Who Will Never, Ever Shop Online Again

#1. The woman whose lion bouquet suffered a bumpy delivery. #2. This poor mom who accidentally bought the cat a teeny-tiny backpack. #3. This guy who tried to jazz up his room on a budget. #4. This girl who doesn’t think that’ll…

18 Tweets With Hilariously Unexpected Endings

#1. This GMO? OMG! moment. [grocery produce aisle]ME: Hi, are these genetically modified carrots?CLERK: No, why do you ask?CARROT: Yeah, why do you ask? — Todd 'Papi' Carlos (@TheToddWilliams) March 19, 2016 #2. This person who got overly attached. Me: *nervous…

19 Hilarious Translation Fails That Will Make You Say “WTF”

#1. What did vegetables ever do to you? #2. Wikipedia three ways. #3. This is oddly beautiful. Sleep tight, grassy pals. #4. When you’ve tried but it’s 5.30pm and your friends are waiting. #5. Hang yourself, hang someone else — just relax and…

19 Hilarious Love Notes That Prove Romance Isn’t Dead

#1. This almost Shakespearean poetry. #2. This fried chicken fan (and boyfriend, when not hungry). #3. This guy who appreciates being loved for who he is. #4. This fairytale come to life. #5. This helpful warning for a loved one. #6. This…

17 Photos Of Cute Asses You Just Have To See

#1. These asses are the cutest. #2. We love this small ass. #3. Some people like hairy asses. #4. This ass has an awesome hair-do. #5. This cheeky ass is our favorite. #6. This ass’s whiskers are begging to be tickled. #7.…

25 Hilarious And Totally Accurate Tweets About Babies

#1. Oh, and it’s the 166th day of the year. #2. This wishful thinking… Mom holding crying baby: He just needs to be changed.Me: Yeah hopefully into a puppy or something quieter. — The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) July 5, 2015…