
Mom Shares Desperate Letter Begging Her Husband For Help, Mothers Everywhere Can Relate

“The Ultimate Mom Challenge” Blogger Celeste Erlach is a mom of two—a newborn, and a toddler. A few weeks ago, Celeste wrote a revealing open letter to her husband. She wrote about asking him for more help with their…

15 Celebrities Who Came Out As LGBT After Becoming Famous

While some celebrities tiptoe around the topic of their sexuality, there are others who’ve done away with the dark, stuffy closets and outed themselves as loud and proud members of the LGBTQ+ community. Here are some famous Hollywood names and…

17 Funny Tweets About Marriage From Couples On Twitter

#1. Wife: It's like every man on earth has to share one brainMe: [can't think of a good comeback because it's not my turn to use the brain] — Grant Tanaka: Honky (@GrantTanaka) March 6, 2016 #2. 5-year-old: *dressed as…

18 Funny Tweets That Perfectly Sum Up Modern Married Life

There’s nothing as lovely as love, except maybe hilarious tweets from slightly annoyed spouses opening their hearts and homes for us to laugh at. #1. Invisible cloak, activate. #2. Chicken soup for stubborn husbands. #3. Poor parents. #4. Husband being…

23 Really Funny Tweets About The First Year Of Marriage

#1. This identity crisis. Nothing like not recognising your own initials! Who's AR? #newlywedproblems ?? — aimiesarah (@aimiesarah) June 23, 2016 #2. This scheduling issue. I want to fool around with my husband AND make the flight for the honeymoon!…