19 Really Funny Tweets About Moms Everyone Can Relate To
#1. “No, Mom, you definitely put those cookies in there.” #2. Oh, I forgot I was hosting the coffee morning in my bedroom. #3. Send help. #4. Why, mom, why. When Your Mom’s on the Phone With…
#1. “No, Mom, you definitely put those cookies in there.” #2. Oh, I forgot I was hosting the coffee morning in my bedroom. #3. Send help. #4. Why, mom, why. When Your Mom’s on the Phone With…
#1. Poor monkey. god: i have made Mankindangels: you fucked up a perfectly good monkey is what you did. look at it. it's got anxiety — Dr Charlotta Lofqvist, S.J. (@jon_snow_420) October 28, 2015 #2. Is it really that easy?…
#1. [break room] coworker: what's for lunch? me: [eating] food, generally cw: no, I mean what are you having? me: an unwanted conversation — Andy H. (@AndyAsAdjective) March 4, 2016 #2. Adorable idea. Colleagues have been writing names on their…
#1. This GMO? OMG! moment. [grocery produce aisle]ME: Hi, are these genetically modified carrots?CLERK: No, why do you ask?CARROT: Yeah, why do you ask? — Todd 'Papi' Carlos (@TheToddWilliams) March 19, 2016 #2. This person who got overly attached. Me: *nervous…
#1. Sadly, that’s not how they work. My 5 yo after I explained the concept of breastfeeding: "can you squeeze Capri Suns outta those things or just milk?" — Ally (@TragicAllyHere) January 23, 2016 #2. That’s all any of us…
#1. Oh, and it’s the 166th day of the year. #2. This wishful thinking… Mom holding crying baby: He just needs to be changed.Me: Yeah hopefully into a puppy or something quieter. — The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) July 5, 2015…
#1. The heart-stopping moments they do stuff like this. #2. The sudden realization that this is parenthood. Growing up I used to be afraid of the dark but now I am afraid of hearing my toddler wake up in the…
Because you know it’ll happen at some point. Now taking bets on what time this Sunday I first utter the words, "Mother's Day, my ass." — Housewife of Hell (@HousewifeOfHell) May 8, 2015 Ah, the lovely 22 minutes of peace.…
Actor Ryan Reynolds (star of Deadpool) and wife Blake Lively welcomed baby girl James Reynolds into the world in 2014 and Ryan has since been hilariously tweeting his experience of fatherhood. Like teaching one-year-old James how to Tinder. Twitter And…
#1. Let’s be honest, you could get a free upgrade. #2. Babies do that, right? #3. Why can’t we just agree that this human is small until it’s bigger? #4. Real struggles. #5. That was unexpected… #6. You’ll get the hang…
Dad and blogger James Breakwell might just be the funniest parent on Twitter as he documents the hilarious (and bizarre) conversations he has with his young daughters. Over 300,000 followers keep up with the girls’ imaginative playtime. And the nightmare…
You’d expect most companies to take their social media accounts pretty seriously and stick to boring old corporate tweets, but these maverick brands are showing their sassy side. #1. Virgin Trains were not impressed when Josh called them “basic”. @joshbythesea I…
One girl’s Tweet about having dinner with her grandfather is going viral and breaking hearts around the world because of its gut-wrenching backstory. Kelsey Harmon, from Oklahoma, posted this photo of dinner with “Papaw”, saying that he’d invited his six grandchildren over…
Sometimes it can be hard to know if you just love cats, or if you’re crossing the boundary into cat obsession. If you can relate to five or more of these cat-based Tweets (or meow loudly when you’re hungry), you’ve…
People have been taking to Twitter and sharing all the joys of married life via the hashtag #MarriedPeopleIssues. It turns out marital bliss isn’t all hand holding and roses, but pimple popping and, er, farting. #1. Spending time alone, together.…
Following the Paris attacks, officials conducting anti-terror raids around Belgium asked for “social media silence” to keep potential suspects in the dark. Witty Belgians rose to the challenge purr-fectly, swamping the hashtag #BrusselsLockdown with — what else? — pictures of…